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Strategic Litigation Solutions

Law firms turn to us when the stakes are high to simplify complexities and implement key tactical moves for cost-effective settlement and trial.

Case, Theme, Discovery, and Visual Aid Strategy

Case Strategy Development

Our jury consultants will assess your case facts and law and provide you with an analysis of the crucial issues and recommended strategies to be used in discovery, briefing, settlement, and trial. learn more

Theme Development

Using our experience and advanced training in psychology and advocacy, our trial consultants will identify the most effective theme for your case and help you incorporate it into your pretrial and trial strategy. learn more

Discovery Strategy Recommendations

Our jury consultants will analyze pertinent oral and written discovery and provide you with recommendations and discovery-related strategies for cost-effective settlement or trial. learn more

Visual Aid Strategy and Recommendations

Our trial consultants will assist you in developing visual themes and designing effective and powerful demonstrative aids. learn more

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